Derbyshire landscape
A landscape which centres around education through natural play
A landscape with a lighter touch
Already part of the national forest, this garden required a lighter touch. The clients required areas to relax and entertain as well as an education base for children to visit to learn about the local wildlife. The channelling and capture of existing water on site into a series of pools, link to the local reservoir.
Much of the woodland is retained, while areas of meadow and wetland add to the mosaic of wildlife habitats, and become destinations around the garden.
Routes wind around rocks and trees, and a tree house base is set high up in the canopies. Woodland glades provide space where kids can collect natural materials, build dens and habitat piles, as well as cook the food they have grown in their own productive garden.
This project was shortlisted for the student category in the 2020 Society of Garden Designer Awards.